Temple & Webster

This 2020 campaign birthed the journey of some of my favourite commercial characters — Anna and Darren. In a campaign which aimed to appeal to a wider Australian demographic in the peak of COVID-19, we used a comedic approach to bring some light hearted fun to this commercial world, playing on classic stereotypes and creating likeable and relatable personalities along the tagline of “The furniture of your dreams, delivered”.


The campaign resulted in a 300%+ increase in brand recall, with surveys showing that 2 in every 5 consumers recognised the campaign, after it’s initial launch. This campaign led to an additional two seasons of Darren & Anna led campaigns for the company — spanning from June 2020 and scheduled through to early 2022.

My involvement included storyboard assistance, casting, direct client liaison, production and scheduling, on-set assistant direction and oversight of art direction and post production.


Star Audition | Brand Launch & Game Design